My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I'm all caught up....Gah! Holy awesome Fecking intricate plots Batman!!
I absolutely loved this installment of the Fever series, Dani's POV #1. Dani is 14 years old, fending for herself among the clusterFeck Dublin has become after the wall between Fae world and our world fell. There's so much stuff going on this book, and a lot of speculation about what's in store for Dani as far as suitors. Yes, people, before you throw eggs at me, fact is, most these guys are not even mortal and can wait around for fecking ever for Dani to grow up; taking into account this is a fictional world, I was one of the many speculating about what's going on with Ryordan and Dani. OMG..Ryordan...I thought Barrons was...

intriguing, mysterious, dark, and brooding but Ryordan takes Barrons rawness and polishes it into this smooth, even tempered, possibly even more mysterious level. He knows all about Dani, and his motives are as shady as -- well, the Shades, but anywho. There's Ryordan, some kid call Dancer which BTW I believe it's not what seems to be.

No. Words. Or enough GIFs to express how I'm mourning Christian. What is happening with him??!!!! The humanity!!
OH GOD. and Ryordan hooking up with someone ***spoilers look away!** (JO?!) What. the FECK!!!
I mean, I get Ryordan might get lonely being such a stud like Barrons, but really...nope. nope. Putting his arm around her and stuff, honestly Dani and I were on the same wavelength I think when it came to Jo and Ryo. But seriously, I'm sure she's very nice and everything, and she's not Ryordan's version of Fiona and then five years down the road being jealous of Dani, turning all evil eating seelie and shit....*sigh*. I'm suuure I'm wrong...she's going to be a good sport and step aside understanding it's not her place and she's not superhero enough to be partnered with Ryordan, so she'll peacefully move aside...That's my theory anyways.

wouldn't we all?

I found a lot of similarities in the Ryo/Dani dynamic from the previous Barrons/Mac dynamic: immortal male and younger female, older jealous ex (which is my prediction of JO IMO), Dani going through a similar situation Mac went through (with Barrons) and later finding out about who Ryo/Barrons is, Dani's mixed feelings from resentment and dislike, to appreciation and attraction --which in her case it manifests into her being bothered by Ryo/Jo combo(again, IMO). There's a lot of theories out there, so we'll have to wait and see what KMM has in store for us.
Now I'm all caught up and have to wait with everyone else until the next installment in the Fever series! *DIE*.
And don't even get me started on Kat and Cruce, Margorie and Sean, and she sheep!

Holy ClusterFeck of dreams, hallucinations and FML situations BATMAN! POOR KAT!!!!
In conclusion:
I loved this book - I loved Dani. I thought she'd be more annoying the the queen of Rhetorical questions, but she wasn't. She's witty, smart, and young. Her enthusiasm for everything she's involved in - even if it gets her in trouble sometimes, is infectious and I found myself chuckling while reading.

Dani you crack me up! Can't wait to read about you more; I agree with Ryordan: Dani is going to make one hell of a woman someday :)
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