My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Finished...for now.
I am absolutely emotionally exhausted. Where do I start...

The good:
The witch is dead and the book is contained (for now)!!!
yes, I got my wish, but damn, what a hell of a ride!! After five books, back to back to back, well, I'm spent! Iced is going to have to wait while I take a mental break.
I definitely recommend this series; it sucked me in, kept my attention, and intrigued me, although I could have done without the blessed cliffhangers!
Am I still in a glass case of emotion? YES! I can't give anything away guys, or I'll ruin it for you.
The bad:
I could have done without the return of Princess Rhetorical! Am I the unseelie king? Did V'lane knew I was lying? Are my parents safe? What is Barrons? 4,5,6 questions in a row. Christ on a cracker -

Despite all that, Will I read Iced? Heck yeah I will! Right after I recover from this literary hangover from Hell..

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